Tany is a Project Officer with a background in events management and project administration. Tany has experience in FFE (Furniture, Fixtures, and Equipment), stakeholder engagement, developing schedules and project reporting. Tany holds an IT Degree and is a Certified Project Officer.

Known for her ability to multitask efficiently, Tany is a hard worker and fast learner who approaches every task with a smile. Tany is passionate about jigsaw puzzles and constructing models. Once she starts, she doesn’t want to stop. Outside work, Tany loves to welcome friends into her home for good Brazilian food, conversation and fun games. Tany's energetic and positive attitude, combined with her skills and interests, make her a valuable asset to the team.

Tasmania Level 5, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000
New South Wales3/15 Bega Street, Tathra NSW 2550
Timothy Phillips 0408 033 353
Patrick Cullinane 0424 575 937
Quality Policy