Waste management strategy and business cases

Resonance was engaged by Glenorchy City Council to manage a suite of projects, including updating the Waste Management Strategy, developing the business case to extend the landfill, and developing the business case for introducing a Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection service .

The business case work included options assessment and analysis, modelling scenarios for accepting different waste types, preparing an implementation plan and recommending an operating model.  Significant community and business consultation was required. The revised waste strategy was launched in 2019, the FOGO business case was approved and the FOGO service successfully rolled out in 2019. The landfill extension business case was also approved by Council and construction is scheduled to begin in 2021. Council subsequently commissioned Resonance to investigate options for regional collaboration on waste, and investigate long term options for waste disposal, recycling and recovery facilities for when the landfill closes.

At Resonance, we hear you loud and clear.

must be carefully
planned and
managed to
ensure sustainable
and flexible

Tasmania Level 5, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000
New South Wales3/15 Bega Street, Tathra NSW 2550
Timothy Phillips 0408 033 353
Patrick Cullinane 0424 575 937
Quality Policy