We have specialised experience and expertise in education, health, community, energy and water and sewerage sectors.

Energy is a growing issue for governments, industry and the community, with generation, transmission and distribution systems failing to keep up with changing community expectations and international obligations. Change is constant with fleet and investment strategies, new building requirements and major projects evolving to address the growing problem of climate change. New technologies are being rolled out and the concepts of net zero and green energy are gaining traction. It’s a complex and fluid area. We offer expertise in strategy development, planning, business cases, and project management services.
At Resonance, we hear you loud and clear.

services and facilities must be carefully planned and
managed to support communities and economies

Waste management strategy and business cases
Resonance was engaged by Glenorchy City Council to manage a suite of projects, including updating the Waste Management Strategy, developing the business case to extend the landfill, and developing the business case for introducing a Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) kerbside collection service . The business case work included options assessment and analysis, modelling scenarios for […]
Tasmania Level 5, 152 Macquarie Street, Hobart TAS 7000
New South Wales3/15 Bega Street, Tathra NSW 2550
Timothy Phillips 0408 033 353
Patrick Cullinane 0424 575 937
Quality Policy